Very easy to use tool to repeat your mouse or keyboard clicks as much as you want. Useful both in games and in any other situation where you need to repeat something a lot. For Windows users only. Yea get auto clicker but dont share it whit anyone, just get it for personal use if so its safe your time, mouse should be ok anyway but time wont be Oct 12, 2014 1:01am KS23 1646 posts. NIAutoclicker is the one autoclicker (That I know of) that doesn't completely halt whatever you're doing. After setting the click location, you can navigate to a different window, or even play a different game, and the autoclicker will continue to click, just as if you were still there.
Wartune Astral Auto Clicker
Auto Clicker Wartune
Very easy to use tool to repeat your mouse or keyboard clicks as much as you want. Useful both in games and in any other situation where you need to repeat something a lot. For Windows users only. Yea get auto clicker but dont share it whit anyone, just get it for personal use if so its safe your time, mouse should be ok anyway but time wont be Oct 12, 2014 1:01am KS23 1646 posts. NIAutoclicker is the one autoclicker (That I know of) that doesn't completely halt whatever you're doing. After setting the click location, you can navigate to a different window, or even play a different game, and the autoclicker will continue to click, just as if you were still there.
Wartune Astral Auto Clicker
Auto Clicker Wartune
Wartune Auto Click
A full-fledged autoclicker with two modes of autoclicking, at your dynamic cursor location or at a prespecified location. The maximum amounts of clicked can also be set (or left as infinite). Features